IDE in partnership with the Advanced Propulsion Centre, took this year’s Future of Technology Series online and hosted a week of short webinars.
We covered the use of digital engineering in the automotive industry as part of our #FoTDigitalisationWeek, ‘Digitalisation: The Transformation of Engineering’.
Starting from Monday 18th May 2020, every day between 10:30 – 12:00, we were joined by more than 900 participants and 20 experts to cover a variety of hot-topics within digitalisation of the Automotive industry agenda.
If you did not have the chance of attending the webinar all the presentations are available here.
The first session covered how other sectors including F1 and marine to gage is the automotive industry in the slow lane and what do we need to do to keep up?
Read through slides from Neville Jackson from IDE and APC and Mark Mathieson from McLaren.
The second session covered if effective modelling and simulation would be able to replace real-world testing, and the barriers we need to overcome to revolutionise how we confirm products and services are fit for purpose.
Read through the slides from Immense Simulations, AVL, Williams Advanced Engineering, Horiba Mira and IPG Automotive UK.
This third event discussed the opportunities for engineers to utilise advancements in AI in order to help make better decisions, by taking advantage of the complex algorithms which enable machines to come to conclusions in faster timeframes.
Read through slides from Oxbotica, Intellegens, Monolith AI and Kortical.
This fourth event asked experts from the automotive and gaming industry to discuss examples of how immersive technology is proving a game-changer for technology and vehicle development.
Read through the slides from BMW, Epic Games, Unity Technologies and The Mill.
This final session of #FotDigitalisationWeek covered the thoughts from automotive OEM’s about what they think the future of digitalisation looks like and how digital engineering helped make the ventilator challenge possible.
Read through the slides from the Royal Aeronautical Society, Ford of Britain and Siemens Plc.