VPEC – Validation Platform for Engine Calibration
VPEC was a 3 year collaborative project, led by Ford. The aim of this project is to develop a model-based calibration validation tool in a simulation environment and deploy the validation tool on engine dynamometer and integrate it with an existing transient calibration process.
As the number of actuators on engines increase the task of validating the engine calibration becomes ever more complex and time consuming.
The objective of VPEC is to develop a platform to automate and accelerate the task of validation of engine calibrations, to complete the task more accurately but in less time. This will save 9 weeks of dyno test time per vehicle development program and typically per year: 1 engineer, 1 mapping dyno and $0.85m.
Collaborative Partners
Ricardo UK
AVL Powertrain UK
Loughborough University
IDE people
Monitoring Officer
£1 million
total project spend

An IDE Funded Project